Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Business Analysis. Introduction to data modeling

Before you sit down In front of the keyboard and start creating a database application, it is critical that you take a step back and consider your business problem-?in this case, the kitchen supply scenario presented in Lesson 2-? from a conceptual point of view. To facilitate this process, a number of conceptual modeling techniques have been developed by computer scientists, psychologists, and consultants. For our purposes, we can think of a conceptual model as a picture of the Information system we are going to build. To use an analogy, conceptual models are to Information systems what blueprints are to buildings.There are many different conceptual modeling techniques used in practice. Each technique uses a different set of symbols and may focus on a different part of the problem (e. G. , data, processes, information flows, objects, and so on). Despite differences in notation and focus, however, the underlying rationale for conceptual modeling techniques is always the Michael Bryon ([email  protected] Ca) Last update: 02-May-01 1 of 23 An Introduction to data modeling Introduction: The importance of conceptual 3. 1. 1. 1 Entities and attributes What is data modeling?A data model is a simply a diagram that describes the most important â€Å"things† in your business environment from a data-centric point of view. To illustrate, consider the simple RED shown in Figure 3. 1 . The purpose of the diagram is to describe the relationship between the data stored about products and the data stored about the organizations that supply the products. FIGURE 3. 1: An RED showing a relationship between products and suppliers. The rectangles in Figure 3. 1 are called entity types (typically shortened to â€Å"entities†) and the ovals are called attributes.The entities are the â€Å"things† in the business environment about which we want to store data. The attributes provide us with a means of organizing and structuring the data. For example, we need to s tore certain information about the products that we sell, such as the typical selling price of the product (â€Å"Unit price†) and the quantity of the product currently in inventory (â€Å"Sty on hand†). These pieces of data are attributes of the Product entity. It is important to note that the precise manner in which data are used and processed within a particular business application is a separate issue from data modeling.For example, the data model says nothing about how the value of â€Å"Sty on hand† is changed over time. The focus in data modeling is on capturing data about the environment. You will learn how to change this data (e. G. Process orders so that the inventory values are updated) once you have mastered the art of database design. Product Unit price Sty on hand Product Entity supplied by Cardinality Attributes Supplier Relationship Name Address A data modeled assumes that if the right data is available, the other elements of the application will fall into place effortlessly and wonderfully. For now, this is a good working assumption.Introduction: The importance of conceptual environment in which your wholesale company operates. However, it is easy to imagine a different environment in which each product is supplied by multiple suppliers. For example, many suppliers may carry a particular brand of wire whisk. When you run out of whisks, it is up to you to decide where to place your order. In other words, it is possible that a many-to-many relationship exists between suppliers and products. If multiple supplier exist, attributes of the product, such as its price and product number may vary from supplier to supplier.In this situation, the data requirements of a many-tomato environment are slightly more complex than those of the one-to-many environment. If you design and implement your database around the one-to-many assumption but hen discover that certain goods are supplied by multiple suppliers, much effort is going to be r equired to fix the problem. In addition to entities and attributes, Figure 3. 1 shows a relationship between the two entities using a line and a diamond. The relationship construct is used-?not surprisingly-?to indicate the existence or absence of a relationship between entities.A crows foot at either end of a relationship line is used to denote the cardinality of the relationship. For example, the crow's foot on the product side of the relationship in Figure 3. 1 indicates that a particular supplier may provide your company with overall different products, such as bowls, spatulas, wire whisks and so on. The absence of a crow's foot on the supplier side indicates that each product in your inventory is provided by a single supplier. Thus, the relationship in Figure 3. 1 indicates that you always buy all your wire whisks from the same company. . 1. 1. 3 Modeling assumptions The relationship shown in Figure 3. 1 is called one-to-many: each supplier supplies many products (where many me ans â€Å"any number including zero') but each product is supplied by one supplier (where â€Å"one† means â€Å"at most one†). The decision to use a nee-to-many relationship reflects an assumption about the business Herein lies the point of drawing an RED: The diagram makes your assumptions about the relationships within a particular business environment explicit before you start building things. The role of the modeled 3. 1. 1. In the environment used in these tutorials, you are the user, the designer, and the implementer An introduction to data modeling of the system. In a more realistic environment, however, these roles are played by different individuals (or groups) with different (programmers, database specialists, and so on) is that they seldom leave their busbies to communicate with end-users of the software they are writing. Similarly, it is generally safe to assume that users have no interest in, or understanding of, low- level technical details (such as the cardinality of relationships on Reds, mechanisms to enforce referential integrity, and so on).Thus, it is up to the business analyst to bridge the communication gap between the different groups involved in the construction, use, and administration of an information system. As a business analyst (or more generally, a designer), it is critical that you walk through your conceptual oodles with users and make sure that your modeling assumptions are appropriate. In some cases, you may have to examine sample data from the existing computer- based or manual system to determine whether (for instance) there are any products that are supplied by multiple suppliers.At the modeling stage, making changes such as converting a one-to-many relationship to a many-to-many relationship is trivial-? all that is required is the addition of a crows foot to one Introduction: The importance of conceptual end of the relationship, as shown in Figure 3. 2. In contrast, making the same change once you have im plemented tables, lilt a user interface, and written code is a time-consuming and frustrating chore. FIGURE 3. 2: An RED for an environment in which there is a many-to-many relationship between products and suppliers.Product Unit price Sty on hand The addition of a second crows foot transforms the one-to-many relationship into a many-to-many relationship. Supplier Generally, you can count on the lox rule of thumb when building software: the cost of making a change increases by an order of magnitude for each stage of the systems development lifestyle that you complete. An introduction to data modeling Introduction: The importance of conceptual 3. 1. 2. 1 Entities 3. 1 . 2 Data meddlers typically adopt a set of notational conventions so that their diagrams are consistent.For example, large IT organizations and consultancies typically adopt a methodology-?a set of tools and procedures for applying the tools that specifies the notation used within the organization. Enforcing standardiza tion in this way facilitates teamwork on large projects. Similarly, if a computerized software engineering (CASE) tool is used for conceptual modeling and design, notational conventions are often enforced by the software. What follows is a brief summary of the notational conventions that I use when drawing Reds.Keep in mind, however, that Reds are first and foremost a tool for communication between humans. As such, the precise notation you use is not particularly important as long as people can read and understand the diagrams. With experience, you will come to realize that differences in the shapes of the boxes and lines have little effect on the core concepts of data modeling. Entities are drawn as rectangular boxes containing a noun in singular form, as shown in Figure 3. 3. FIGURE 3. 3: An entity named â€Å"Customer†. CustomerYou will see later that each entity you draw ultimately becomes a table in your database. You might want to keep this transformation from entity to table in mind when selecting the names of your entities. For example, your entity names should be short but descriptive. 3. 1. 2. 2 Relationships A relationship between entities is drawn as a line bisected by a diamond. The diamond contains a verb (or short verb phrase) that describes the nature of the relationship between the entities, as shown in Figure 3. 4. Named relationships are used to make the Reds more readable.However, unlike entity names, relationship Ames never show up in the final database. Consequently, it does not really matter how you label your relationships, as long It can be argued that the term â€Å"method† is grammatically preferable. In Europe, for example, the term â€Å"method† tends to be favored. Introduction: The importance of conceptual Generally, Reds make certain assumptions about the reader's knowledge of the underlying business domain. FIGURE 3. 4: A relationship named â€Å"buys†. As the labels make the diagram easier to interp ret.To illustrate, consider the relationship between products and suppliers shown in Figure 3. 1 . The relationship is scribed by the verb phrase â€Å"supplied by'. Although one could have opted for the shorter relationship name â€Å"has† instead, the resulting diagram (e. G. , â€Å"Supplier has product†) would be more difficult for readers of the diagram to interpret. 3. 1. 2. 3 Relationship direction A notational convention supported by some CASE tools is to require two names for each relationship: one that makes sense in one direction (e. G. â€Å"is supplied by'), and another that makes sense in the opposite direction (e. G. , â€Å"supplies†). Although double-naming may make the diagram easier to read, it also adds clutter (twice as any labels) and imposes an additional burden on the modeled. Cardinality 3. 1 . 2. 4 One issue that sometimes troubles neophyte data meddlers is that the direction of the relationship is not made explicit on the diagram. Re turning to Figure 3. 1, it is obvious to me (since I drew the diagram) that the relationship should be read: â€Å"Product is supplied by supplier. Reading the relationship in the other direction (â€Å"Supplier is supplied by product†) makes very little sense to anyone who is familiar with the particular problem domain. As discussed in Section 3. 1. 1. 2, the cardinality of a relationship constrains the umber of instances of one entity type that can be associated with a single instance of the other entity type. The cardinality of relationships has an important impact on number and structure of the tables in the database. Consequently, it is important to get the cardinality right on paper before starting the implementation.An introduction to data modeling There are three fundamental types of cardinality in Reds: ; One-to-many -? You have already seen an example of a one-to-many relationship in Figure 3. 1 . You will soon discover that onto-many relationships are the bread an d butter of relational databases. One-to-one -? At this point in your data modeling career, you should avoid one-tone relationships. To illustrate the basic issue, consider the RED shown in Figure 3. 5. Based on an existing paper-based system, the modeled has assumed that each customer is associated with one â€Å"customer record† (I. . , a paper form containing information about the customer, such as address, fax number, and so on). Clearly, each customer has only one we automate the system and get rid of the paper form, then there is no reason not to combine the Customer and Customer Record entities into a single entity called Customer. Introduction: The importance of conceptual FIGURE 3. 5: An incorrect one-to-one relationship associated with Customer Record In many cases, one-to-one relationships indicate a modeling error. When you have a one-to-one relationship such as the one shown in Figure 3. , you should combine the two entities into a single entity. ; Many-to-many - ? The world is full of monotony-many relationships. A well-used example is â€Å"Student takes course. † Many-to-many relationships also arise when you consider the history of an entity. To illustrate, consider the RED shown in Figure 3. 6. At first glance, the relationship between Family and Single-Family Dwelling (SF) might seem to be one-to-one since a particular family can only live in one SF at a time and each SF can (by definition) only contain a single family. However, it is possible for a family to live in different houses over time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Morality in “A Farewell to Arms”

The concept of morality refers to the dimension of human existence whereby man confronts or finds himself, an ideal vision of man, or an ideal state and goal of his existence which he finds himself oriented toward. The ideal vision thus constitutes for him an exigency, a demand to action in accord with the ideal vision and goal. By the same token, this ideal vision of man constitutes a fundamental norm in relation to which his life and actions are judged to be either right or wrong, good or bad. Right and wrong literally mean being straight or not, in line with, in conformity or not, with the norm. On the other hand, good and bad are often used as equivalents of right and wrong. However, in more precise language, right and wrong refer specifically to that which is morally binding or obligatory. Thus, the right action is that which we ought to do or ought to have done, whereas the wrong action is that which we ought to refrain from or ought to have refrained from doing. (Williams) In a shorter and briefer evaluation of the concept of morality, morality stands for what is established as standard for right and wrong. It goes for what the society has as norm or custom. An action can be permissible though it is not moral. However in this regard, rightness and wrongness are out of issue. Practicability is said to be the motivation force for such action which is primarily due to its character as necessary. Yet, necessity is strictly beyond the sphere of morality. Morality in â€Å"A Farewell to Arms† or  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Farewell to Manzanar† The story boldly exposed the transformation of the character of Lt. Fredric Henry while he engaged to different characters. First transformation occurs after he met Catherine. Before, he was initially described as immature and womanizer. The nature of his work asked him to leave his personal interests over his goal as soldier – that which is to obey the army and fight for his country. In this initial scene, Henry was not really aware of what he was doing. He hanged out with his comrades. He drank alcoholic beverages. He engaged himself to many women. But such seemed to be normal for a soldier like him. Being a soldier, he was ordered to risk his life in order to do his job. As compensation, he wanted to relax by having night-outs and drinking sessions with his co-soldiers. However, when he knew Catherine, he suddenly became serious in his life. He was now more considerate in all that he did. He stopped going to bars. He stopped hanging out with his comrades. He instead focused himself on his relationship with Catherine. For a while, he wanted to be free from his work as a soldier. Nevertheless no matter how he was serious with the girl, he just cannot put away his being a soldier. Catherine was pregnant. He wanted to be at her side. Yet he knew that he had to go back to the front and function as a soldier. He was in a dilemma. He knew that if he chose the former, he would neglect his duty as a soldier to his country. And if he chose the latter he would neglect his obligation to Catherine and to their baby as father. But like what was stated earlier, he knew that his work requires sacrifice of his personal interests – that which is more important is the interest of his country and countrymen. Later on, he virtuously considered the latter. Upon knowing that there was this conspiracy to bring down the army by some of his co-soldiers, he escaped from the army. In this scene, Henry can be seen as a soldier that upon knowing what was really happening, he had chosen to leave the army instead of reporting the incident to his superiors – maybe because he was somewhat worried of himself. But then as a servant of his country, his duty is to protect and fight for his country no matter what happen. In this aspect, he acted against his duty. When he fled from the army, he happened to meet again with Catherine. Realizing that he had a responsibility toward her and their baby, he convinced her to go to Switzerland and make new life. The girl agreed and together they ran away. It is to be noted that before the two met and became in love with each other, they had already duties to their countries. Henry was a soldier and Catherine was a nurse. When they escaped, they turned down these supposed jobs in pursuit of their own interests. Honestly, I cannot literally say that they had committed a moral crime of being selfish. Selfishness can be right in certain situations. But still, they left their posts as servants of their country hence somehow they can be criticized for doing such. To analyze Henry’s transformation, his character started at the end of the continuum, far from being moral. But after he met Catherine, he became aware of the rightness and wrongness of his actions. Conversely, in the end of the story his moral ascendancy was exposed to conflicting duties –duty to his country as a soldier and duty to Catherine and his baby as father. Personally, I think that Henry failed to exercise his practical reason for choosing his own interest over his country’s interest. And this can be supported by the ending when Catherine and his child died. It suggested that he had picked the wrong decision therefore he suffered its ill-consequences. Using Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics Moral Theories are important in the evaluation of human actions. They serve as the chief framework and criteria for moral judgment.(Timmons) Furthermore, morality is said to be one of the most contested concepts. Its truthfulness and applicability are always put into question. It is true that morality is more specific than the concept of ethics because ethics refers to the study of human actions whereas morality pertains to a particular set of standards in which moral judgment is being based.(Williams) Now, in evaluation of morality, there are different aspects that moral theories tend to look at.(Harris) Kantianism or the Kantianism, one of the Deontological theories, implies that human actions are judged with reference to duty or obligation.(Baron) On the contrary, Utilitarianism states that moral judgment can be done by appealing to the consequences of human actions.(Mill) Nevertheless, Virtue Ethics does not focus its evaluation neither on the duty or consequence of an action but rather on the character or the intention of the acting agent.(Hursthouse) It is noteworthy to use the abovementioned moral theories in analyzing the transformation of Lt. Henry’s character throughout the story. Kantian ethics would most likely criticize Henry for not fulfilling his duties to his country and to his baby. As mentioned earlier, Henry first left Catherine even if he was already aware of the latter’s pregnancy. When he escaped from the army, he reconciled with Catherine and planned to move to Switzerland. Obviously, as it was manifested in the novel, Henry neglected his duty as soldier. For Kantianism, such undertaking is morally wrong. In relation to the Utilitarian principle, greatest good for the greatest number, Henry also failed to act morally.(Mill) He undervalued his job as soldier and instead pursued his personal interest. Though his action would benefit him, Catherine and the baby; what was deserted was his task of fighting and protecting his country and his fellow countrymen. Obviously, the latter was greater in number as compared to the former and possessed the most intrinsic good. Utilitarianism would say that Henry failed to act morally. Finally, Virtue ethics suggests that the assessment of Henry’s decisions and actions should be based on his character and intention.(Hursthouse; Williams) Giving the fact that Henry had this intention of escaping and abandoning the army for he valued more his life (though there is nothing wrong for doing such), virtue ethics would say that Henry was not virtuous for not being courageous in facing the worse situation that he supposedly had. Moreover, he was not virtuous for he did not make a good judgment in making decisions or in solving the dilemma that he had. As a result, he acted against what is morally right in the light of the Virtue ethics. Conclusion To sum up, the novel: A Farewell to Arms can be described as a story of struggle.(Hemingway) This struggle was all about freeing oneself from the sphere of war, from the sphere of morality. Morality suggests what one ought to do and not to do.(Williams) It talks about standards and code of conducts. On the other hand, morality fades in the sphere of warfare and in the sphere of love. One has the privilege to either stick to what he think is right rather than do what society tells him to do so. At the end of the day, what gives person happiness is what really counts. References/ Works Cited: Baron, Marcia W. Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology New ed ed: Cornell University Press, 1999. Harris, C. E. Applying Moral Theories 5th ed: Wadsworth Publishing, 2006. Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. Reprint ed: Scribner, 1995. Hursthouse, Rosalind. On Virtue Ethics. New ed ed: Oxford University Press, 2002. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. IndyPublish, 2005. Timmons, Mark. Moral Theory Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. , 2002. Williams, Bernard. Morality: An Introduction to Ethics (Canto). Reissue ed: Cambridge University Press, 1993.      

Monday, July 29, 2019

Boeing’s e-enabled advantage Essay Example for Free

Boeing’s e-enabled advantage Essay The Boeing Company is a major aerospace and defense corporation, originally founded by William E. Boeing in 1916 in Seattle, Washington. In 2004, it became one of the United State’s largest manufacturers with nearly 160, 000 employees and a net income of $1. 87 billion. It was the world’s largest aerospace company and for decades, had dominated the world’s commercial aviation market. THEIR STRATEGY Their main strategy was to streamline their core processes and to diversify. In streamlining their core processes, Boeing adopted simpler procedures for configuring aircraft to specifications, scheduling, ordering parts and managing inventory. They also diversified and entered into other markets, becoming more agile geographically and becoming less dependent on the highly cycled commercial jetliner market. They also integrated defense systems, Capital Corporation and the commercial airlines. HOW I. T. FACTORED INTO THAT In launching the aforementioned integration and innovative technologies, Boeing needed high end Information Technology expertise. That helped them launch a couple of websites including MyBoeingFleet. com. They also launched the Boeing Connexion and the Airplane Health Management (AHM). They went further and took great strides to understand both the airlines and the airline customers and integrate their business processes with Information Technology. This helped them provide broader services and is the main source of the e-enabled technology mentioned in the case study. This helped them plan and prioritize current and future processes effectively. THE MARKET Their market initially was the United States military which drove their technology but later grew to include commercial airliners. Their commercial airline market rapidly grew to 60% of the market world over and they appeared to have reached the pinnacle of the corporate might. As this happened, the only direction Boeing seemed to be headed was downward due to the emergence of big competitors. THEIR COMPETITION In the commercial airliner, Airbus seemed to be their biggest competition but because of all the technologies they integrated into their business, it was competing in segmented markets against industry giants like Oracle, IBM and Accenture as well as Garmin International and Aero Exchange International but their visionary leadership and their willingness to invest in technology sees them come out on top. THEIR WEAKNESS One of the main weaknesses of Boeing was their inablitiy to meet delivery schedules for airlines. Some airplanes they manufactured were also said to be inefficient but that did not stop them from producing more of those aircrafts which led to the belief that they are out of touch with their customers. Also, their frequent change of leadership could be considered a weakness as that makes them frequently go back to the drawing board to re-strategize. Boeing’s e-enabled advantage. (2016, Aug 07).

Training and Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Training and Coaching - Essay Example In addition, employees also clarify the organizational attitude, beliefs or behavior. Through a series of repetitive practice employees improve their output by adopting the skills learnt and also improve these skills.Coaching forms part of the training development that occurs when a coach supports a learner to achieve a professional or personal goal. In most cases, coaching is a confidential learning process designed to improve the learners’ performance, output, or personal growth. Unlike normal employee training, coaching is more effective since the coach is able to evaluate an individual’s progress. In this regard, the coach not only identifies the learner’s strengths and weaknesses, but he also provides a forum for feedback, by clarifying areas where the learner performs well and areas in which the learner must improve on.  In several instances, coaching results to the learners’ personal change in that a learner acquires clear understanding on the imp ortance of positive output towards the achievement of organizational goals. Coaching facilitates development of skills and performance aimed at specified tasks and overall job responsibility. Coaching also advocates for professional and personal development aimed at future responsibilities and professional roles.Identification of training and coaching needsIn an organization, training is often essential when employees are not meeting the organization’s standard or failing to meet the expected performance level. The difference between actual.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Washington DcC Taxation Without Representation Essay

Washington DcC Taxation Without Representation - Essay Example It cost money to keep British troops stationed in America and the colonists should share the costs. The Sugar Act of 1764 as well as the Currency Act was quickly put into place. The Currency Act greatly affected the colonists as they seemed to always have a shortage of physical money. The colonists decided to make their own money. The Currency Act prohibited the use of this new paper money (Tindall and Shi 126). 1765 brought with it two more important acts from Grenville. They were the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act. The Stamp Act was to directly fund the troops stationed in the colonies. This included a tax on all printed material. This was a hardship to the colonies as it hurt many businesses. The Quartering Act required the colonies to supply British troops with supplies or shelter. The Stamp Act inspired the colonists to coin the phrase â€Å"no taxation without representation†. The colonists had no physical representation in Parliament. Grenville called it â€Å"virtua l representation†. Parliament claimed the representatives currently serving had the colonies interests in mind. The colonists were not convinced. Protesting as well as mass meetings began. One such group was called the Sons of Liberty made up of lawyers and merchants. Some were still true to the British rule and they were called the Loyalists (Tindall and Shi 127). ... They were able to come to an agreement though and develop the Stamp Act Resolves. The Stamp Act Resolves said the colonies accepted Parliament to create the laws, but they disputed the taxation. It was later thought that individual boycotts made by colonists did more to push parliament into paying attention then did the Stamp Act of Congress (Stamp Act Congress). In 1766 parliament created the Declaratory Act. This act stated England would still have full control over the colonies especially regarding all the laws. The Act was supposed to give distinction between external taxes on trade and internal taxes within the colonies (Tindall and Shi 130). Charles Townshend, Chancellor of the Treasury made things worse in 1767 with his acts. One thing he did was to force New York to succumb to the Quartering Act. The Revenue Act was his other major work. The Revenue Act levied the external taxes on colonial imports such as glass, paints, paper and tea. This created more resistance within the colonies, especially when the colonists discovered the taxes from the Revenue Act would pay the salaries of governors and other officers. This would relieve such officer’s dependence on the colonial assemblies. There was increasing tension within the colonies. The colonists began boycotting British goods in protest (Tindall and Shi 131). The important event of â€Å"taxation without representation† that seems to stick out in the mind of many American’s is the â€Å"Boston Tea Party†. This occurred in 1773. At this time some taxes were lifted, but the tax on tea still remained. Colonists were consistently complaining about the levies from the Townshend Acts. The colonists felt they did not want to pay taxes from a Parliament that gave them no

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Students that Mixing Work and Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Students that Mixing Work and Study - Essay Example Different old studies have shown that part-time jobs have helped students in gaining independence and responsibility; it has enhanced their confidence and assisted in their personal development (Robinson, 1999). For some students, however, part-time jobs are nothing but a burden, under which they are bound to pay for enormous financial liabilities of college expenses and/or debts. With an enormously large, and at times unaffordable, amount of college expenses that are not merely limited to tuition fee, full-time students are bound to take on a part-time job. Where it is deemed to be a healthy experience for students to learn to square the conflicting demands of school and work, the accompanying stress and emotional burdens that this inevitable routine brings is a critical problem that many full-time students have to face these days. It is imperative that for this underlying problem, a feasible solution is designed by the state authorities, but more importantly by the colleges themselves, on an independent basis. According to the US Department of Education (2011), the net price of college has risen almost 6 per cent over the last decade after inflation. Arne Duncan, the US Secretary of Education has discussed, in an address to the annual Federal Student Aid conference, to contain the rising costs of college and lessen the load of student debt. While decisions on a state level are anticipated to take shape ‘in a while’, it is suggested to colleges to provide financial assistance: like tuition grants, college-sponsored student scholarships, and low-interest loans, to full-time students who are working part-time.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chipotle Mexican Grill Financial Position Case Study - 1

Chipotle Mexican Grill Financial Position - Case Study Example This shows an improvement in the company’s performance, as it is indicates an increase in the rate of return on the shareholders equity that is going up steadily over the years. More than often, the return on assets ratio gives a measure of effective and efficient utilization of assets in order to produce net profit. It therefore, allows the management an opportunity to enhance the utilization of resources around the company. Chipotle Mexican Grill return on assets in the year 2008 indicates a ratio of 0.3788 and thereafter an increase in the 2009 as the return on assets ratio rose to 0.4987 and a further increase in 2010 to 0.5094, indicating that there was an increase in the returns on the net profit from the assets, as they were effectively utilized (Grant, 2009). As a restaurant that offers Mexican food, Chipotle Mexican Grill is considered to be the leading among its competitors in the United States market. This attributes are related to its ability to offer services that have got high level of integrity. More so, the services of Chipotle Mexican Grill is accredited as one that is of high quality and has outstanding reputation as a result, the company outshines the rest of its competitors who offer Mexican dishes as it is followed by Baja fresh Mexican grill (Allen, 2011). On the other hand, Taco Bell remains low in its operations because it offers lower food quality as compared to its competitors even though its menu remains favorable. The liquidity ratio of Chipotle Mexican Grill indicates the profitability measure concerning how effectively and efficiently the firm’s performance is accredited in terms of the current ratio (Grant, 2009). A good liquidity ratio gives creditors more interest in transacting with the company, as it determines the overall liquidity of a company in terms of business short-term solvency thus, its ability to pay back its debts as it runs its business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis Essay

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ Analysis - Essay Example Ford Motor also has magnificent dividend coverage. At the current state, Ford Motor is trading at some 4% dividend yield with some potential if Ford Motor will continue with its expansion. Ford Motor is on a recovery plan hence a reason to watch it. NYSE stock is risky for investments. Investing in such market is tricky and need more strength and resilience that many stock beginners lack. Taking stock investments with Ford Motor, for example, is risky because the automotive industry is cyclical and any time the vehicle business can fall hence affecting the investment. However, investors should always consider the tomorrow of a company before making investments. The future of Ford Motor is bright for example with the new model F-150 model holding a lot of potential in North America market. Ford Motor is the fifth largest world automobile manufacturer. The size is measured in volume of production with Ford making more sales in Ford’s European operations. Ford’s automotive is highly regarded in quality compared to its competitors. Ford size has been affected recently in the past where it had to reduce the production volume in U.S due to high production costs incurred in increased wages. The company is growing and it has the potential for the future. Growth is evident in the companies’ plans and implementation, which is slowly taking into track. One of the best strategies used by Ford Motor was the Global Product Development System, which is a tool for sharing designs globally. The strategy has been helping in developing vehicles fit for the different class of customers in the whole world. In the last quarter in 2014, Ford Motor achieved pre-tax profit of 6.3 billion dollars and net income of 3.2 billion dollars. Outlook for the pre-tax profit in this 2015 is 8.5 billion dollars to 9.5 billion dollars. The fourth quarter earnings were 26% past the 23% expectations per share by analysts. The price or earnings in stock are currently at 20.8% Ford

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case study- psychosocial paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Case study- psychosocial paper - Essay Example Mobile communication has turned out to be an indispensable part of contemporary life, a need, and a way of life. Mobile media, especially, is the up-and-coming digital interconnected media form that focuses on cellular mobile networks and meets with other technologies such as the Internet and portable music and video devices. Amongst the number of mobile phone designs that have been developed in mobile media market, none of the handset manufacturers have been able to reproduce the user experience of the iPhone. Thus, it will not be wrong in saying that other smartphone possess similar features, but they do not equal the sleekness, pinching, and other features of the Apple iPhone (Faber, 2008). The present study seeks to study the different aspects of social theory, cultural history and psychoanalysis to explore the historical significance of consumption of the currently highly popular iPhone and its role in contemporary psychosocial life. These new types of mobile media and the relat ed psychosocial meanings are such recent and dynamic phenomena that their influences on society and human behavior are yet to be observed. However, what remains for sure is the fact that the new smartphones, and especially the iPhone, have given users unparalleled connectivity, greatly enlarging their social reach and power to change remote physical circumstances. Some of the effects of mobile technology on people include empowerment and liberatiion, evading the limitations of a certain ordering in regards to blurring of the boundaries between public and private areas and domestication of the outer world (Katz, 2006). It is in light of this that the present study seeks to explore different aspects of social theory, cultural history and psychoanalysis to explore the historical significance of consumption of Apple iPhone and its role in contemporary psychosocial life of the youth. The study further aims to provide an analysis of satisfaction, fears and desires that motivate consumer b ehavior and the processes of individual consumption of Apple iPhone. The study aims to cover the consumption behaviors of the young adults who have bought and are using iPhone. Young adults are frequently linked with innovation (Rubicon, 2008), particularly for cell phones, and can, therefore, offer an understanding regarding the young adult’s behavior towards buying and using iPhone. Apple Inc. has surfaced from the market with its iPhone as simply the most publicized new mobile device in recent memory. Most publicized meaning, here, more than just most promoted, but also most fashionable and most talked about. This is illustrated, for example, in statistical reports, which assert that smartphones comprise of 56% of the UK mobile phone market, of which a surprising 80% is comprises of Apple’s iPhone (Admob, 2010). The iPhone is a remarkable thing to study. The reason behind this is not only its popularity, but its status as a new cultural artifact and the newest mediu m of contemporary culture. iPhone is has accomplished this status due to its links with a certain social behaviors such as accessing email through phone, which are particular to today’s culture or ways of living. It is cultural because it is linked with certain types of individuals such as young people who are technologically confident, with certain places such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Allegiant Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Allegiant Report - Essay Example In 2007 the net margin (net income / sales) of the company was 8.74%. Based on the company yearly growth prediction of an above 10% the company was not able to meet its profitability targets, but it still perform better than the industry average of about 2% (Bachman). One of the weaknesses of the company’s growth strategy is that it does hedge adequately against the risk of higher fuel costs. In the article the readers of the material learned that the company utilized a fleet that was on the average 18 years old. The utilization of old inefficient planes hurt the company’s operating efficiency. A company that takes great pride in its ability of lower costs has an inherent and systematic deficiency in its cost structure. Gasoline represents the second largest costs for a typical airline after only the cost labor of the airplanes crews and administrative personnel. Another business risk of the company is its dependence on middle class as its primary business prospect. The firm is forgetting about the virtues of targeting business travelers. A higher retention rate of business clients could help the company create value over time. Ratio analysis is a financial diagnostic tool that can help an business analyst determine the financial performance of a particular common stock or privately owned business. In fiscal year 2007 the debt to equity ration of Allegiant was 0.93. The metric is good because the company has more total equity than total debt. In comparison with the industry standard of 1.48, the company has a more flexible capital structure that can be utilized in the future to acquire capital and spur further growth (Dun & Bradstreet). The firm’s quick ratio (current assets / current obligations) is even better at 1.75. A low current ratio decreases the business risk for an investor because it provides assurances that the company can meet its current obligations. The company most likely issue corporate paper at such as

The Glory that was Euro Disney Essay Example for Free

The Glory that was Euro Disney Essay When youve walked up the Rue la Paix at Paris, Been to the Louvre and the Tuileries, And to Versailles, although to go so far is A thing not quite consistent with your ease, Andbut the mass of objects quite a bar is To my describing what the traveller sees. You who have ever been to Paris, know; And you who have not been to Parisgo! John Ruskin, A Tour Through France Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney Co. once noted, â€Å"As Americans, the word ‘Euro’ is believed to mean glamorous or exciting. For Europeans, it turned out to be a term they associated with business, currency, and commerce. Renaming the park ‘Disneyland Paris’ was a way of identifying it with one of the most romantic and exciting cities in the world† This was maybe the reason why Walt Disney Company, a company renowned for its animated character, good films and theme parks, chose Paris for its second business venture outside the United States. In the 1980s, Eisner was able to export Walt Disney Company to Tokyo, and it was a huge success. Eisner wanted to make his Paris venture as successful as Tokyo Disneyland, however, the venture turned out to be a failure earning more debts for the company than actual profits. What has gone wrong? What were the actors which had lead to the failure of Euro Disney? These are questions which make good learning questions for management students. This paper aims to answer the following questions:: 1. Why did Disney choose Paris over the other sites in Europe that it was evaluating? 2. What were the external environmental factors that contributed to Euro-Disney’s failure in the early 1990’s and why? 3. What were the internal factors that contributed to Euro-Disney’s failure and why? The Beauty of Paris In order for us to know why Paris was the place chosen by Walt Disney for its business venture, let us first do a little background of this popular destination in the world. Paris, the capital city of France, is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe (Stefan Helders, World Gazetteer). It is one of the worlds leading business and cultural centers today; in fact, Paris \is Europes biggest city economy, and is fifth in the Worlds list of cities by GDP. It is also now known as one of the most popular tourist destinations. Paris has been a symbol for classical Romance. However, in addition to its rich cultural heritage, Paris is also a magnet for corporate France, which is composed of innovative business companies, a motivated and skilled workforce and the political will to make business happen. According to the PARIS DEVELOPPEMENT, a project of the City of Paris and the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, there are seven unique value propositions which makes it the right place to do business in, which are as follows, †¢ Paris is one of the richest urban centers in the world, equivalent to 5% of the total EU GDP. †¢ It is located at the heart of the Ile de France which ties with London for first place as a city to do business in, benefiting from market proximity, excellent infrastructure, qualified labor and security. †¢ Paris provides the nexus for several vibrant Trade Clusters – notably in the fields of design, digital and health. †¢ It is a centre for innovative companies, backed by a strong tradition and range of RD facilities. †¢ Paris is a major decision-making centre, and it serves as a host to the headquarters of international organisations (European Space Agency, OECD, UNESCO†¦), and trans-national corporations. †¢ Paris is the world capital for trade fairs, conferences and exhibitions. †¢ Paris is a beneficiary of an active local government that understands the needs of business and is putting resources to work in favor of creating, encouraging and promoting business. (Paris Developpement, 2006) Many business analysts have tried to explain the real motive in the expansion of Walt Disney Company abroad. It is believed that some of the reasons are cost cutting, in the form of cheap building material or labor. Cost cutting further leads to an increase in revenue and to better functioning with tax and labor laws. H This further leads to a success in market expansion. This was probably the reasons why Walt Disney Company chose Paris, France as the site of Euro Disneyland. The first theme park outside US in Tokyo, Japan was a huge success. Scimone in 1981 believed that the Walt Disney Executives believed they learned so much about operating a theme park in anther country, so they looked at Europe as the site of a forth park. This was because they have observed that Disney films have done better in Europe than in the United States. They believed that the public’s fascination wit Disney films could contribute to a future success of a Walt Disney Theme park in this area. Initially, there were two choices: Costa del Sol in Spain and Paris in France. Finally, the business executives of Walt Disney chose Paris because of ots larger population and its spectacular transportation network (Scimone, 1989). Paris also has a similar cold weather climate and latitude with Tokyo. Thus Paris was selected. The site for Euro Disneyland is Marne-la-Vallee, a large parcel of land, once used for agriculture. This place is an ideal geographic location, in the sense that it is located halfway between the two international airports of Orly and Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle. The mode of transportation which connects Marne-la-Vallee with the Paris metropolis is the French railway regional express, making it an accessible area. External environmental factors There were a lot of issues which had confronted Disney Euro from the start. The idea of an American company running a French staff was a subject of debate and controversy. Critics have found it as a form of cultural imperialism or neoprovincialism. There were a lot of protest groups opposing the presence of Euro Disney in Paris. In June 1992, French framers had marched to Euro Disney in protest to American farm policies. All around, Euro Disney was met with criticism and protest. A journalist in the French newspaper Le Figaro wrote, â€Å"I wish with all my heart that the rebels would set fire to Disneyland. Ariane Mnouchkine, a Parisian stage director, named the concept a â€Å"cultural Chernobyl†; which later on became a phrase synonymous with Euro Disney, in its starting years. Another target of criticism and controversy is the fact that American executives demanded English to be spoken at all meetings. Euro Disneys management has also made a set of rules for its staff, which involved the use of make up, facial hair, tattoos and jewelry for personal appearance enhancement. This was much for the traditional Frenchmen to bear. As a result, French labour unions began to stage more protests on the streets, attacking the said appearance code, which appeared to them as â€Å"an attack on individual liberty. † Indeed, this issues revolved around the fact that French culture was way too far different from American culture. Some protest parties have labeled Disney as being insensitive to French culture, individualism, and privacy. The French Law focused more on individual or collective liberties, more than the American law. It told the French citizens to exercise their rights whenever necessary. In response to these reactions, Disney emphasized the fact that these efforts are for the good image and long term success of the park. Thor Degelmann, Euro Disney’s personal Director had remarked, â€Å"For us, the appearance code has a great effect from a product identification standpoint†¦without it we couldn’t be presenting the Disney product that people would be expecting. † The Walt Disney Company had been known for the implementation of their strict rules and risk management requirements. This may be unacceptable to the Frenchmen, who wanted to preserve their rich cultural heritage and establish their own individuality. Furthermore, Americans found it hard to deal wit the legal framework derived from the Napoleonic code. Shapiro in 1989 has illustrated a good example of the blending of two different systems, in the form of the difference in insurance laws in France and the United States. The French law requires an insurance policy that covers property damage and third-party claims stemming from construction-related defects. Walt Disney Company would have preferred to purchase a three-year contract as would be allowed by American standards, but could not since they were developing in another country. Instead, the Walt Disney Company had to abide by French Laws. All of these problems are what a typical foreign company experiences when doing business abroad. Indeed, a great deal pf time, patience, understanding, education and willingness to accept and compromise are necessary in this process. An example of the clashing culture between the Americans and the French is the issue of banning alcohol in its theme parks. The French met this with protest, as their tradition is to give a glass of wine to a guest during mealtimes. After much consideration, in May 1993, the Walt Disney Company changed its policy and allowed wine and beer in the Euro Disneyland theme park. American executives of the Walt Disney Company did not also understand the European breakfast norms. Disney executives, thinking that Europeans do not eat sit-down breakfasts, have reduced the number of restaurants serving breakfasts. This resulted to a cramped restaurant space jam packed with breakfast eaters who wanted bacon and eggs, a behavior that the Americans failed to realize before.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Life - Religion Essay Example for Free

Life Religion Essay In my opinion, there is no specific meaning of life. There also is a part of me that thinks that life really doesn’t have a meaning at all. But, since I have to try to define life, I would have to say it’s a combination of things in your life that you are living for, or the purpose of you being on this earth. Everyone most likely has a different purpose for being alive. Whether it is family, school, or your career; those things have a lot of impact on your life and also decisions that you make throughout life. In our society, many families instill faith and morals early into their children’s lives by continuing traditions or practices of religious faith. The idea of faith and moral beliefs are instilled in a person by attending or participating in church activities and reading the Bible or other religious texts. When there is a sound moral foundation in a person’s life it may give them the motivation through faith to build a sound structure for their life or to achieve personal goals. Simply put, a person may believe through faith that it is possible to achieve an education, start a family, or to have a successful business or career because of their foundation in faith. The reason why I somewhat think that life really doesn’t have a meaning, is because no matter what anyone does or how well or righteous someone lives their life, in the end they still die. What happens after that? Nothing, you never come back nor will you have any recollection of what went on during your lifetime here on earth. A person can bust their behind in working doing good for the community and everything else and in the end you still end up in the same place as everyone else, good people or bad people, you die. Another reason why I believe life doesn’t have a meaning is because all of the people in this world have to suffer, they still go through pain, they have to watch loved ones die, they still have to go through heartache, and rough times. Being poor, homeless, and not having food for as single meal in the day. Where is the meaning in life when people have to wake up hungry or worry about where they will lay their head that night? I’d say there is none when you look at it from that perspective. In my opinion, the meaning of life is too complex for the human brain to comprehend. People tend to say that they know what the meaning of life is, but who really knows the answer. There are various opinions and schools of thought, however, most people can never and will never reach a clear understanding of what the meaning of life is. If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. †? Viktor E. Frankl. Frankl could not have said this quote any better, most people can say that they have found meaning in their life but at the same time, there are some people wondering if the only reason they are on this earth is to suffer on a daily basis throughout their entire lives.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Analysis of the Culture of an Organisation

An Analysis of the Culture of an Organisation Organisational culture is a place or community and sometimes is called as workplace environment on which the growth of the employees or the people is relied that is important for the growth of the company itself. The culture should be encouraging and based on the organizational policies, values and set of business ethics as well so that the people working within the organizational working environment can find things to keep in ethical standards and also according to the way the business organization wants to keep. This will benefit both the business organization as well as the people working for the organization as well. This report is based on the title of An analysis of the culture of an organisation and for accomplishing the key objectives of this assignment, we are to use the case of Nestle. Nestle is a big global business organization and it has been serving the world food industry for the last 150 years of successful business operations as cited by (About us, 2016). The cultur e of Nestle is a big matter of discussion when the company is much health and safety as well as environment concern providing best food products to the people in more than 189 countries of the world. It employs more than 3, 35, 000 employees having operated more than 2, 000 brands of it in the international food market as highlighted by (At a glance, 2016). Nestle has a good culture practicing growth for its employees and improving their abilities and skills continuously within the organizational community through performance improvement and reward systems as well. The culture of Nestle is based on better performance that the employees are always encouraged to be better than the past as noted by (Performance culture, 2016). Organization and the culture of the organization is significant as evaluated by the employees or the people who work there. It is significant in the sense that if the organization cannot ensure and provide the culture or the minimum working environment to the employees where the employees will have the growth opportunities. If they cant get the opportunity to Put into their potentials in the company and the opportunity to prove themselves then, employees will not find interest for working there anymore. This report will cover the culture of Nestle and how it assists its employee to keep themselves align with its mission and objectives while giving them the opportunities and benefits for working better and nurturing the culture of it. In order to discuss the facts related to the evolution of the culture of Nestle, we will demonstrate how different theoretical framework or models can be applied to the case of nestle. Also, an analysis will take place on using and evaluating a particula r and relevant cultural theoretical model to the selected organization along with some evaluative recommendations for the company to better design the culture of it. This report will be prepared basing on the fact of equality of rights for both male and female employees and balancing gender in the workplace environment. Nestle is trying to enhance some systematic changes and trying to bring some improvements in the workplace environment in order to enhance as well as develop the culture of the organization throughout all of the offices of Nestle. Also, maintaining standards in all of the departments and offices throughout the word is another goal of Nestle through focusing on some key changes such as eliminating child labor, ensuring better safety in the workplace, improving supply chain, using environment friendly production and distribution system and many more issues as cited by (Creating Shared Value, 2016). So, we are to focus on the issue of balancing gender or, enhancing balance in gender in Nestle as this is one of the issues that is presently confronted and tried to be settled at Nestle. Culture of a business organization or company needs to be understood and evaluated by the managers or strategists of the particular business organization. The analysis on the culture of a particular business organization by its key planners or managerial personnel will provide the opportunity to enhance the productivity of the employees as well as the people working in the company through developing their skill within the standardize system of the culture set by the managers (Al Mehairi Zakaria, 2014). But, evaluating as well as understanding the workplace environmental characteristics or the elements of the culture to know about the nature of the culture of a particular organization needs to use some models or theories to analyze the key elements of the work environment or the culture of the company. Here, we are to discuss about two models of culture related to analyzing the culture of a business organization so that the issue that is currently facing by Nestle can be evaluated an d analyzed to oversee how the company is confronting and overcoming the challenges or the issue. Among various models of organizational culture, we are to discuss here on the Hofstedes model of culture and the Handys model of culture. In the following paragraphs these two model of organizational culture are to be discussed brief. Hofstedes model of culture Geert Hofstede is a psychologist who had provided with a model showing the variables or dimensions that a society or a culture of the society or culture of any organization as well as company might possess (Geert Hofstede, 2016). The model of cultural dimensions was provided by Geert Hofstede in the year of 1970 which was invented basing on a research project by Geert Hofstede (Hofstede, 2009). The research project was conducted on fifty different countries of the world involving the workers or people working in the IBM and he differentiated one culture from another as cited by (Research Geert Hofstede, 2016). Through conducting this research project, Geert Hofstede provided four dimensions and later on, he added two more dimensions of culture that are now used by the organizational researchers to understand differences among the culture of each country from other business organizations. Strategists or managerial personnel use this model of culture to analyze various differences in the culture of a particular business organization in order to settle the issues faced by the company to overcome cultural problems. Moreover, the model of cultural dimension by Hofstede is used for understanding cultural differences between or among societies or cultures of business organizations as well. Geert Hofstede suggested six dimensions of organizational or societal culture. According to (Hofstede, Pedersen, Hofstede, 2012), these six cultural dimensions of culture can place value within the organization if the variables or dimensions can be properly balanced and managed by the mangers. The six cultural dimensions by Hofstede are described below in brief. Power distance: Power distance index is a measurement of power distribution that shows how the power within a society or business organization or company is distributed to the people of the particular institution or company. This index consists two sides from which one is high power distance and another is low power distance. The two sides reflect two kinds of nature of a culture of a business organization along with the nature of the authority and management possessed by the managers of a particular business organization. The business organization which has people with high in power distance that means that people have more power than the people living without zero or very low power than the higher class people in the society or in the organization. The organization having high in power distance index follows an authoritarian management philosophy and the employees working there do not have the rights such as flexibility of work, right of making decisions or giving opinions etc. But , low power distance index of an organization has a balance in the power that people have in the working environment or company. Managers follow democratic leadership and managerial style involving others in making key organizational decisions as well as cited by (Organisational Culture Geert Hofstede, 2016). Individualistic vs collectivistic: Business organizations may also have the nature of individualism or collectivism in its organizational culture or working environment. Individualistic business organizational culture doesnt inspire people to work for the shared goals as prescribed by the business organization. But, collectivist organizational culture of a business organization promotes common values and goals as well of the organization to be achieved through group or team efforts by the people working within the organization. This dimension shows whether a business organization has a culture of community sharing common objectives or a culture having interest for achieving personal rather than organizational goals. High and low uncertainty avoidance: Companies that are high in the uncertainty avoidance have a culture involving systems, regulations, guidelines to follow without coping with the changes due to the change of the business environment, change in the economy or change in the other variables that might influence the decisions taken by the company. These organizations do not change over time and believe that changes might cause problems whether, the organizations in low uncertainty avoidance index update their systems and implement improvements in the strategies or plans as well to innovate and to increase the feasibility and validity of the organizational policies. Masculinity and femininity: This index shows the attitude that a culture of a business organization possess. The high in the index shows that the organization is such ambitious, competitive and there is more difference in gender beyond equality between male and female employees. The low index value shows femininity attitudes within the culture of an organization of high in gender balance and focusing on relationship building with others in the organization to provide greater value for the organization together. Short term and long term orientation: Organization may have an orientation of short term which involves the organization to rely upon traditional systems followed by the company and also having the view that future will be handled in future without having any planning at present. Taking any action in the business is not made basing on future. On the other hand, having the long term orientation companies implement long term plans taking the value of time and analyzing the past, they take actions at present to improve the organizational situation in the long term. Indulgence versus restraint: Organization focusing more on indulgence or having high score in the index of indulgence versus restraint has a culture of rewarding employees toward a happier personal as well as work life. But, low in the index represents the culture of a business organization to involve rigid and structured organizational framework with no optimism of wellbeing of the employees. Handys model of culture Charles Handy is an Irish Philosopher who is a specialist of culture of business organization (Charles Handy, 2009). Charles Handy provided his model of organizational culture which involves four types of culture that the business organization may follow. This model of culture identifying the four types of culture of a business organization will make someone understand why employee feel comfortable working in a particular business organization.   According to Charles Handy, the four types or classes of culture of the business organization are described in brief in the following paragraphs as highlighted by (CRAINER, 2010). The power culture: The business organization that involves the power culture follows the leadership style as well as the management style of autocracy. Business organization having such power culture centralizes all the power of the organization to some of the person in the high level of the organizational hierarchy or structure. Key decisions or any types of decisions taken within the organization are done by them without giving any right of opinion giving to the employees as cited by (Charles Handy Model of Organization Culture, 2016). So, Employees do not enjoy working in such type of organization and also this type of culture ensures nothing equal on any issue for the betterment of the people working under the autocratic managers. Task culture: The business organizations or companies having or following the culture of accomplishing tasks through making team efforts are more objectives achieving oriented. According to (Bailey, 2007), the task culture emphasizes on sharing common goals and business objectives. In this type of culture, the employees are motivated to work as teams. Person culture: The Company in which people working there do not bother about whether the objectives or purposes of the organization are met or not and primarily and only their personal desires are their focal points possesses a person culture. When there is nothing that the employees have to expect any kind of betterment working hard for the company, this type of culture takes place in the business organization. Employees just come to the company for their salary and accomplishing their personal interest. Role culture: Organization possessing this type of culture where the employees are given the right combination of duties and authority aligning with their job position in the organization and basing on their qualifications and experience as well (Management Theory of Charles Handy, 2011). Employees within this type of culture are empowered with the authority given to them for choosing their own ways to solve any issue or accomplishing any task as well. Comparison between Hofstedes and Handys models of culture The two models of organizational culture describe two issue relating to the culture of a particular work environment or company. The first one provides six types of dimensions on which the nature of culture is understood but the later one describes types of culture that a company might possess either of them. The objective of these two models are also different. For example, the Hofstedes model is used to understand the culture of a particular organization through analyzing six set of attributes discussed in the previous task. But, Handys model of culture is used for knowing why an employee is working within a particular business organization as highlighted by (Types of Organizational Culture, 2016). Also, according to Hofstede a culture can be measured positive or negative analyzing the score in the six indices accomplished by the particular business organization as cited by (Hofstede, Hofstede, Minkov, 2010). But, Handys model of culture analyzes which type of culture does the business organization specifically possessing at present. We have selected a single issue- enhancing gender balance in Nestle to apply any of the cultural model within the Organizational culture of Nestle to overcome the challenges of confronting the issue. The Hofstedes model of culture doesnt involve any dimension relating to gender equality in the workplace environment where the Handys model of culture presents the role culture types which only focuses on qualification and education of the employee beyond gender disparity. So, we will utilize the Handys model of culture and apply this on the issue facing by Nestle at present. According to Charles Handy, there are four types of cultures from which any one of these types of culture can be seen in a particular business organization. Among these four types of culture described in the previous part of this report such as power, role, task and person culture, we are to use the role culture in case of Nestle. Because, we are responding to the issue of enhancement of gender balance within Nestle and we will emphasize on this type of culture to give some recommendations that the company might follow to adopt in order to confront the issue as well. The role culture as provided by Handy is focused on the empowerment of the employees working in the business organization (NCSL Modular Curriculum, 2016). As Nestle is directed toward improving its working environment balancing the role and power of the workforce through enhancing the balance in gender. Male as well as female employees are to be given equal opportunities and this is to be ensured for balancing in gender in Nestle and in any organization as well. The main objective under the issue of enhancing gender balance in the company is to increase the number of female in the higher or managerial positions f he company. This needs to be given the female workers or employee equal opportunities to grow and also to encourage and motivate them to work closely with the male employees so that the synergic calculation of the effort by both genders equals to more than the sum of them. The role culture needs to be adopted by Nestle because, this culture imposes equal rights, responsibiti es, power to all the employees according to their qualification and skill as well ass according to their job position without considering which gender they possess. So, adopting such practices and the role culture in the business organization will support Nestle to accomplish its objective of enhancing balance in gender. Nestle should implement the role culture that will ensure the empowerment with right combination of authority and responsibility of all the employees and eliminating the gender disparity within the business organization. Organizational culture needs to be set up according to its shared objectives and values so that the employees can be managed within the controlled organizational environment toward organizational goals acheieving. Through implementing such a shared culture will improve business processes for enhancing of opportunities for the betterment of the employees as well company. References       About us. (2016). Retrieved 9 August 2016, from Al Mehairi, H. Zakaria, N. (2014). Understanding Organizational Culture for Effective Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in the Workplace. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 13(3), 33-52. At a glance. (2016). Retrieved 9 August 2016, from Bailey, J. (2007). Profile on Charles Handy. Engineering Management, 17(1), 44-46. Charles Handy. (2009). The Economist. Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Charles Handy Model of Organization Culture. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from CRAINER, S. (2010). PROFILE: CHARLES HANDY. Business Strategy Review, 21(2), 86-88. Creating Shared Value. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Geert Hofstede. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Hofstede, G. (2009). Organising for cultural diversity. European Management Journal, 7(4), 390-397. Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G., Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hofstede, G., Pedersen, P., Hofstede, G. (2012). Exploring culture. Yarmouth, Me.: Intercultural Press. Management Theory of Charles Handy. (2011). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from NCSL Modular Curriculum. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Organisational Culture Geert Hofstede. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Performance culture. (2016). Retrieved 9 August 2016, from Research Geert Hofstede. (2016). Retrieved 10 August 2016, from Types of Organizational Culture. (2016). Boundless. Retrieved from   

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gauguin’s Hiva Oa :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Gauguin’s Hiva Oa The Tahitian island of Hiva Oa is the place where artist Paul Gauguin chose to live out the remaining years of his life. In The Moon and Sixpence, the narrator describes the place by saying, â€Å"the beauty of the island is unveiled as diminishing distance shows you in distincter shape its lovely peaks†¦for Tahiti is smiling and friendly† (Maugham 160). This is an excellent description of the island, and it is little wonder that Gauguin found solace here. Hiva Oa is on the southern coast of Tahiti and is the most fertile and well known of the Marquisas group of islands, of which there are six. Even today, Hiva Oa retains much of the physical beauty that it did during Gauguin’s stay. Many of the roads are unpaved and the largest tikis in Polynesia are found right on the island. On the cliffs overlooking the village of Atuona is Cavalry Cemetery where Gauguin is buried, along with another famous man, Belgian singer Jacques Brel, who also lived out his life in Hiva O a. In the village is a museum dedicated to the artist’s life and works. Further to the east is Puamau Village, where many of Gauguin’s descendants still live, mostly in the native lifestyle. In The Moon and Sixpence the natives are described as being promiscuous, although the definition may have a different meaning to Westerners than it does to the natives. One of the narrator’s friends describes the artist’s wife as â€Å"a good girl and she’s only seventeen. She’s never been promiscuous like some of these girls—a captain or a first mate, yes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Maugham 185). This may have been the norm at the time, and one website describes the philosophy of natives today as â€Å"parents allow young people to live an independent sexual life. Young people choose their partners themselves and they may sleep with anyone they wish to† (Petya). Such an easygoing attitude may be hard for many people to understand, but Gauguin seemingl y fit in quite well. This general good nature is further seen in a general attitude of goodwill toward all people and overall generosity. The natives, especially in Gauguin’s time, were not so much concerned with money and material wealth as in living freely. Households at the time—and this can also be seen sometimes today—consisted of a sleeping house and a cooking house, surrounded by an ua ma, or pit for storing fermented breadfruit could be found.

Hindu Astrology and Free Will :: essays research papers

Friends when we talk about astrology, we mess up in rajyogas, duryogas, auspicious incidents, inauspicious happenings and so on. I don't think we ever proceed to search out 'seriously' beyond that. Then comes out the most controversial and debated subject what we call 'free will'. If everything has been pre-destined, what the hell we are striving for? Is there any devil writing our fates all the time and having fun? A big No, all the saints say that nobody else, but we alone are responsible for our plight. Vivekananda says "Stand upon your feet and take the responsibility of your present prevailing circumstances instead of being a coward escapist passing all the blames upon Almighty." Our Seers were not mere astrologers or fortune tellers, but they were inventors. Without the help of any external aid they located so much just by going deep inside. They located the laws of nature and their influence upon human beings. If we just make a go with different yogas, then astrology seems to be mere fatalism unable to extend any aid to come out of the vicious circle what we term as destiny. In this case astrology seems to have lost its ground. The predestination of fate leaves astrology meaningless. Simply because the past has already passed, the present has been decided and the future has already been written. I started astrology in the year 1998. Till the end of 2003 I was an incurable fatalist. During these 5 years I read almost all the literature of Vivekananda and Yogananda, the famous kriya yogi who left his human body in the year 1950. In those books I read a lot about the so called free will of human beings but with little conviction. Since as an Astrologer I was witnessing almost regularly that destiny couldn’t be altered. But the last two years changed my whole perception. I understood well what those great saints meant to say. When they talked about the free will, they were not concerned merely about the human body made of five tatvas of Nature namely water, air, earth, fire and ether. In all actuality they were talking about the free will of the spirit, which inhabits one and all. The body and mind are bounded in the Nature's laws, and therefore, enjoy very little freedom. When you go by the commands of mind, you gradually nullify yourself by being the slave of senses.

Friday, July 19, 2019

America Needs More Gay Rights and Tolerance Essay -- Persuasive Essay,

Change is a constant something that I am always told and it’s a fact truth, but another key concept to remember is that change is slow it is glacial. Meaning change is very slow but despite the speed of change it is still change and the significant point is that change does occur. For the past 40 years the change for the gay society has been steady and constant the events of the stonewall riots gave the gay movement a voice and has allowed reasons for change. Gays are given rights that were once denied and violence against gays is considered illegal society is leaning towards gay rights and the word tolerance meaning to be socially and lawfully recognized and accepted is being understood by society to the fullest. But are these assumptions mere claims, has gay tolerance increased in the past 40 years? Religious institution are accepting Homosexual, popular social figures are accepted by the media and all and all gay rights have been improving both on a state and nat ional level. It is the recognition of these facts that allows one to conclude that Society has become more tolerant towards homosexual in the past 40 years the proof is in the evidence and is hard to be disputed. Let’s start by exploring the specific to the earlier claim that gay tolerance has increased within the past 40 years. In 1948 Harry Hay a gay communist started the first gay rights movement his radical decision lead to the stonewall movement over 20 years later in 1969 which official started the gay rights movement a riot that spread from the bars of New York to the streets of California. This riot is at the forefront of the gay movement and has long stood for the symbol of change for many in the Gay community (Adiatu). The stonewall movement has ... ...nspiring and all we as open minded individual can hope for is more change Gay tolerance has increased and it can be seen all throughout society individuals don’t have to look far to see the countless amount of gays getting married and the copious amount of gay being kept safe by the law enforcement and laws passed by the government. Homosexual has come along way and if society continues to stay open minded the Tolerations of gays will only increase to the point where gays are fully accepted by all. Works Cited Adaitu Dayo. Stonewall Riots: The beginning of the LGBT Movement. 22. June. Web. 7. Dec. 2009 National Conference of State Legislatures. 01. JAN. 2009. Web. 10. Dec. 2009 Religious Tolerance. www. Religious 10. Jul. 2007. Web. 14 Dec. 2009 Sadd Lydia. www., 29. May. 2009. 12. Dec.2009 America Needs More Gay Rights and Tolerance Essay -- Persuasive Essay, Change is a constant something that I am always told and it’s a fact truth, but another key concept to remember is that change is slow it is glacial. Meaning change is very slow but despite the speed of change it is still change and the significant point is that change does occur. For the past 40 years the change for the gay society has been steady and constant the events of the stonewall riots gave the gay movement a voice and has allowed reasons for change. Gays are given rights that were once denied and violence against gays is considered illegal society is leaning towards gay rights and the word tolerance meaning to be socially and lawfully recognized and accepted is being understood by society to the fullest. But are these assumptions mere claims, has gay tolerance increased in the past 40 years? Religious institution are accepting Homosexual, popular social figures are accepted by the media and all and all gay rights have been improving both on a state and nat ional level. It is the recognition of these facts that allows one to conclude that Society has become more tolerant towards homosexual in the past 40 years the proof is in the evidence and is hard to be disputed. Let’s start by exploring the specific to the earlier claim that gay tolerance has increased within the past 40 years. In 1948 Harry Hay a gay communist started the first gay rights movement his radical decision lead to the stonewall movement over 20 years later in 1969 which official started the gay rights movement a riot that spread from the bars of New York to the streets of California. This riot is at the forefront of the gay movement and has long stood for the symbol of change for many in the Gay community (Adiatu). The stonewall movement has ... ...nspiring and all we as open minded individual can hope for is more change Gay tolerance has increased and it can be seen all throughout society individuals don’t have to look far to see the countless amount of gays getting married and the copious amount of gay being kept safe by the law enforcement and laws passed by the government. Homosexual has come along way and if society continues to stay open minded the Tolerations of gays will only increase to the point where gays are fully accepted by all. Works Cited Adaitu Dayo. Stonewall Riots: The beginning of the LGBT Movement. 22. June. Web. 7. Dec. 2009 National Conference of State Legislatures. 01. JAN. 2009. Web. 10. Dec. 2009 Religious Tolerance. www. Religious 10. Jul. 2007. Web. 14 Dec. 2009 Sadd Lydia. www., 29. May. 2009. 12. Dec.2009

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Multi-layered security Plan Essay

Hardware and software are key pieces of any organization’s infrastructure. Components in each domain of the seven domains of the IT infrastructure may connect to a network or to the internet, and can be vulnerable to malicious attacks. Malicious attacks on hardware and software can also lead to more widespread problems. These problems can include loss of critical data or theft of financial information or intellectual property. Unprotected IT and network infrastructure assets can offer attackers and cybercriminals the widest opening to access sensitive resources. The ease of access makes assets that are connected to the internet the most common first point of attack. That means those assets should be you first line of defense. Technical failure and human error are the most common causes of unintentional downtime. Malicious attacks can occur and cause downtime in all seven domains of an IT infrastructure, but you are more likely to see them in the User, Workstation, LAN, and WAN domains. Opportunity cost is the amount of money a company losses due to downtime. The downtime can be either intentional or unintentional. Some organizations refer to opportunity cost as true downtime cost. It usually measures the loss of productivity experienced by an organization due to downtime. One of the most important things that information security professionals try to protect is their organization’s reputation and brand image. Companies that suffer from security breaches and malicious attacks that expose any assets are likely to face serious negative consequences in the public eye. In the popular usage and in the media, the term hacker often describes someone who breaks into a computer system without authorization. In most cases that means the hacker tries to take control of a remote computer through a network, or software cracking. The media and the general public also use the word hacker to describe anyone accused of using technology for terrorism, vandalism, credit card fraud, identity theft, intellectual property theft, or one of many other forms of crime. Protecting an organization’s computing resources requires that you have some idea what tools your enemy will be using. Knowing how attackers work makes it possible to defend against their attacks. Many organizations use the same tools that attackers use to help identify weaknesses they need to address and it is better to do so before an attacker does. Computer criminals and malicious individuals use a number of hardware and software tools to help carry out attacks. These tools and techniques include: Vulnerability scanners, Port scanners, Sniffers, War dialers, and Key loggers. As with most technology requirements, it is impossible to cover all of your organizational needs with a single machine or program. By the same token, haphazardly bolting together a number of unrelated solutions leaves cracks that only get bigger as time goes on. What’s required is a multi-layered, company-wide approach in which integrated products complement and reinforce each other. In multilayered Network intrusion detection Systems (NIDS) is the first level of protection against remote intruders. NIDS monitor all the communications that come in to and stop those that look suspicious. This prevents hackers from overloading your server with Denial of Server (DOS) attacks and scanning your ports for vulnerabilities. Next comes the firewall which only legitimate communications (e.g. email, password certified remote users) are permitted to go through the firewall. This prevents unauthorized users from logging into or using your network. Then comes Email Scanning, while an email is technically an authorized form of communication, it may contain objectionable content (pornography, confidential information, overly large files, etc.). This software scans the contents of the email and rejects those that violate your company policies. Internet Security similar to email, a web site is technically an authorized form of communication. However only certain web sites and downloads are appropriate for the workplace. This software uses internal criteria to limit the sites that can be visited, and scans what is downloaded. After that comes Server Level Virus Scanning which is a strong anti-virus program with updated signature files checks for viruses on every file that is saved to the server and protects against them. This is particularly important for email servers, such as those running MS Exchange. Workstation Virus Scanning: Not every file is saved on the server. Files from a number of sources – including those from infected floppy disks or downloaded off the internet – are put directly on the local workstation, which therefore requires its own Anti-Virus software. Update Communication Software: From time to time, prospective intruders and virus writers find vulnerabilities in popular types of communication software, such as Microsoft Outlook. When those holes are discovered software fixes or â€Å"patches† are made to close the vulnerabilities. It is therefore necessary to be diligent about being aware of these updates and applying them to the software. THE BEST DEFENSE: – Attentive Employees and Corporate Policies: We can implement many effective technological solutions, but the most essential piece of a secure business is a company of people who understand the various dangers and the role they play in preventing them. One regularly quoted statistic is that 80% of security breaches come from inside the company. Strong security requires strong corporate policies, clear management dedication, and good employee education about risks. 1) General This MLS plan will give a brief overview of the security strategies that will be implemented at each level of the IT infrastructure. 2) User Domain a. The usage of security awareness training to instruct employees of Richman Investments security policies b. Auditing of user activity 3) Workstation Domain a. The usage of antivirus and anti-malware programs on each user computer b. Strict access privileges to corporate data c. Deactivation of media ports 4) LAN Domain a. Utilizing network switches b. WPA 2 encryption to wireless access points c. Securing server rooms from unauthorized access 5) LAN to WAN Domain a. Closing off unused ports via a firewall to reduce the chance of unwanted network access b. Monitor inbound IP traffic, more specifically looking for inbound transmissions that show signs of malicious intent c. Run all networking hardware with up to date security patches, and operating systems 6) WAN Domain a. Enforce encryption, and VPN tunneling for remote connections b. Configure routers, and network firewalls to block Ping requests to reduce chance of Denial of Service attacks c. Enforce anti-virus scanning of email attachments i. Isolate found malicious software (virus, Trojans, etc.) when found d. Deployment of redundant internet connections to maximize availability 7) Remote Access Domain a. Establish strict user password policies, as well as lockout policies to defend against brute force attacks b. Require the use of authorization tokens, have a real-time lockout procedure if token is lost, or stolen c. Encrypt the hard drives of company computers, laptops and mobile device to prevent the loss of sensitive data

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Faust and Romanticism

In Johann Wolfgang von Goethes tragic play Faust, we claver the romantic side of the ninteenth vitamin C. In the get on of love story we take heed the dominance and command of a more individualist decree heavily base on tomography and freedom. When society became more heavily individualize poets began to take wages of this and write plays based on individual characters like Faust. Goethe took advantage of the heavily romantic influence and worn-out(a) his life righting the play Faust. The ultimate remainder of Goethes Faust was to achieve the understanding and liberality of all cultures which richly embodies romanticism.Even though Faust is non strictly a piece of romantic literature, Goethes ideas display the characteristics of genre. In the starting line-year half of the play of Faust he goes on a crack by means of genius with Wagner and we see the overall comfort of Faust and the raw(a) world. Faust goes on to talk about the qualities of spirit and provides spectral and faithful reasoning which justifying him tardily down wanting to participate in constitution. In the speeches that Faust makes about spirit we see the early nineteenth century customs duty of romanticism lifted up.When Faust gos to his studies after the walk through nature we see for the first time that he is satisfied. It is when he returns to his field of view that we see the jubilant spirit of Faust killed by the world of rational idea. Goethe sees a hearty spiritual alliance in nature because he feels there is a spiritual connection between humans and nature. Goethe believes that nature is what feeds spirituality and the individual free thinking spirit. The human soul is viewed to feed move out of a connection with nature and without this connection there cannot be completeness in an individual.Goethe views the gulf of human happiness comes from over systematization and the need to have a scientific explanation for everything. There is no 1 explanation for everything and he views that in fix up to feel complete and whole as a person you must return to nature to gain the qualities needed to whole. throughout the play the reader cannot help tho notice the influence of nineteenth century romantics. Goethe is look to get across his points of romanticism through his views of nature and the thought of happiness.Faust goes through several journeys and through all of these he is looking for self-completion and satisfaction. The reader must go into reading the play with an open look not closed off to the views of Goethe and his views of the natural. Goethe embodies his broad(a) thoughts of the natural when Gretchen receives forgiveness because of her obligation and regard to the natural. Through all of the play Goethe is looking for the understanding of people of all views and backgrounds and fully embody the ideas of romanticism.

Renaissance vs. Islamic Art

Mirriam Webster defines subterfuge as the conscious affair of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects. It is a broad definition, beca usage nix about inventionwork is specific. device has m both different meanings, takes m whatever different forms, and achieves humans beingsy different things. Culture, including theology, greatly governs finesse. The contrivanceistic whole caboodle of a acculturation whitethorn reflect a lifestyle, language, righteousness, or belief of verbalize destination. Some would consider the he machination of subterfuge in our modern world to be atomic number 63, specifically, Italy.This is logical, seeing as how Italy is famous for a time cessation called the renascence which was a vital turning point in the history of art in the world. The renascence dot of time immediately followed the middle ages. During the middle ages, mass had no concept of case-by-caseity, and in that respect was no ce ntre on man mixture. Instead, the focus narrowly on deity, aery beings, and the afterlife. All things that happened were considered a mystery that precisely God could netherstand or be involved in. Because of the trust on religious belief, people did non venture into opinion about science or how things really worked.The conversion was named as its decl be time period in order to signify the end of medieval intellection of the middle ages. Important aspects of the spiritual rebirth include secularism and humansism, which were concentrations on human capability and a furthering from the all-encompassing ghostly norms. Art during the reincarnation sought to apply humanistic methods to delivererianity. As people began to concentrate less on the ideal and more on what was realistic, they began to paint in a realistic fashion which included portraits, and human figures which were proportionate.Whats more is non only that they were as pick outed realistically, that that ave rage humans would be pictured in art in the first place. Although the Renaissance was secular, and concentrated on humans rather than deities, there be m some(prenominal) Italian photographs with unearthly subjects. Italy didnt live in a little talk of scientific, humanistic advancement. While the Renaissance took place, Italian culture was somewhat challenged by Moslem culture when the quilt Turks made an attempt to conquer Europe. drag rulers such(prenominal) as Mehmet and Suleiman argon, in my opinion, responsible for the spread of Moslem art and culture from Persia to Algeria. As the Ottoman empire grew, its art and culture flourished under the rule of a select few rulers. Although the art grew and flourished, it still had its roots in Moslem faith, meaning it still followed the rules of the Muslim religion. The Ottoman empires occupation of South-east Europe and domination of the Mediterranean were tools which unintentionally spread Moslem culture to Europe, Italy inc luded.When a group attempts to colonize an argona, they (though sometimes inadvertently) spread their culture to verbalise area. This is usually through through propaganda and artwork. The similarities between Islamic art and art in Renaissance Italy results from the fact that many elements of Islamic art spread to Italy during the spread of the Ottoman pudding stone into Europe. We can see many purely Islamic elements in European art in the Renaissance time period. To begin with, the Muslims are responsible for bring glass, ceramics, and pottery to Italy.The development of glass and ceramics began in the plaza East. Using these mediums, they developed techniques such as gazing, gliding, qualities of color, and glow in order to add an artistic place to e very day necessities. When the Muslims invaded Europe and held an Italian city, Italians acquire to make ceramics, and then followed the Islamic expressive style of adding set off to their glass and gold to their ceramic p ieces. The Italians were influenced by, non only the artistic medium itself, only if also the decorations on Islamic art.A cardinal characteristic of Islamic art is an inclination towards covering surfaces with patterns composed of vegetal and/or geometric elements. They valued sophisticated patterns and variety such as those found in Islamic artwork. They were intrigue by the intricate patterns, so much so that they began to imitate the designs on their own glass and ceramic artwork. They copied a genuine design pattern, which was a sort of scrolling foliage, which they gave the term arabesque. Both Islamic and Renaissance art are greatly influenced by general religion, and eve exhibit some of the uniform elements.Geometric figures in Islamic art are used to make said art spotlessly isobilateral in any way possible. eveningn the arabesque scrolling foliage is more symmetrical and perfect than actual foliage. The geometric shapes in their works, are used to create a sense o f magnificent balance and order, which is representative of Muslim ideals. Similarly, the artwork of the Italian Renaissance used realism to create balance, order, and proportion, which were primaeval ideals of the Renaissance. Aside from the designs and paintings in the artwork, what makes them similar is the way in which the artwork came to exist.The term jockstrap of the arts was astray used during the Renaissance, and described those individuals who possessed the funds essential to aid the artists in creating their art. During the Renaissance, the patrons of the arts were able to use their wealth to achieve cogencyiness and respect, by creating a work of art that proclaimed their devotion to themselves, their city, and their graven image. The most(prenominal) famous of the patrons during the Renaissance were the Medici family. During the height of the Renaissance, the Medici in power was known as Lorenzo the Magnificent.He held power in Florence by his involvement in ga ining commissions for artists such as Sandro Boticelli and da Vinci da Vinci, who were both famous artists of their time. The Muslim empires had a very similar system. Certain Ottoman rulers are known for their positive contributions to the art and culture of their empire. Their contributions were not making the actual art, but providing the resources for the professional artists to do so. Suleiman the Magnificent is known to be one of the outdo and most influential rulers of the Ottoman empire.One reason he earned this title is that art and literature flourished under his rule. His artistic nature (reflected in anything he did), paired with his access to wealth made him an important patron of the arts, helping artists express original Ottoman ideas in a Turkish format. The interest of the patrons determine what kind of artwork gets created and released to the public. Because of this, the artwork of a time period may reflect the thoughts and ideals of the upper class because they were loaded enough to commission certain works to be done.The patrons were the people responsible for the prospering and growth of art in both time periods, though they existed in slightly different forms. Although the Renaissance art was influenced by Islamic art, and both were influenced by religion and foregoing time periods, there are fundamental differences between the two. These differences lie in the way each culture chooses to portray their religion in their art. The axiomatic diversity between the two types of art, as far as paintings and tapestries are concerned, is that there are no personal beings picture in Islamic art, and the opposite is align for the art of the Italian Renaissance.The reason for this goes back to the individual foundation and central ideas of each perspective religion and, for the Renaissance, the practices influenced by the time period. Renaissance thinking was secular, but Renaissance art was not about excluding religion altogether, it was m ore about including humanism in the depiction of religious figures and events. One can see the religious elements in works such as The digest of genus Venus, painted by Sandro Botticelli in 1486. The nudity of Venus in this work is a suggestion of Eve before the Fall as well as the pure love of Paradise.Once arrived on the planet or born, the love goddess dons earthly, mortal sin, which leads her to croak the new-fangled Eve, otherwise known as Madonna. The Madonnas purity is represented by the nude Venus, and she has become a personification of the Christian church. What makes such a work specific to the humanistic aspect of the Renaissance is the ideals captured in it. Venus as the center of the painting represents a celestial being, but is painted very realistically in form, being accurately proportioned. This exclusively captures the characteristics of humanism, with its focus on realism, and roots in classical and Roman myths and culture.Muslims do not agree with the way t hat Christians portray religion through their artwork for their own reasons, so they choose not to do the very(prenominal) in their own artistic practices. Muslims saw an unalienable flaw in the Christian way and they did not want the message of their God to be alienated with the worshipping of the medium, or for anything to be mistaken for idols or idolatry. therefrom they did, and still to this day, do not allow any carnal beings in their art, because such art might allow for attention to and worshipping of Mohammed rather than attention to the explicate of their God.By these interpretations, the Quran is Midieval in the nature of its message in that physical beings have no right to be represent in artwork because the word of God is all-important. Because of this Muslim stack, Islamic art does not possess the same elements as the Christian art from the Renaissance. There are no people at all depicted in Islamic art, but thats not to say that it still is not religious. A ca lligraphic panel by one Mustafa Rakim is a perfect example. The background is red, with beautiful gold characters which are logical so that the outline appears to be that of a man with a turban who is praying.It reads God, there is no god but He, the master copy of His prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Lord of all that has been crated. The aforementioned is exemplary of how Islamic works of art could be religious, but approached in a different fashion than in the Renaissance. There could not be a physical depiction of their god, Muhammad, or a man praying, so instead chirography was used in a shape in order to further convey a message. In fact, calligraphy is the highest form of visual art, and the nly spiritually meaningful form of art because of its association with the Quran, which Muslims worship every word of. Christians worshipped deliverer Christ, who was a human being, and simply a messenger of God. For example, atop Carcovado draw in Brazil, there is a statue entitled Christ the Redeemer, which offers a panoramic view of Rio De Janeiro. The statue is not only a major tourist attraction, but more of a source of religious comforter for all who come to visit it. There are also many Christians who choose to worship at the feet of the aforementioned statue, and others like it.The Muslims think of the Christians as ill-use for doing such things as worshipping at a statue of Jesus Christ because in their religion, the prophet Mohammed shant be worshipped because of his position as the messenger of their God. The Islamic focus is on the teachings of their God alone, and not on the medium through which they received said teachings. Art with physical depictions of religious figures would also go against the teachings of the Quran, which by some interpretations suggests that Muslims should be against idolatry, meaning they should not weigh in the worshipping of a physical object or person as a god.Physical depictions in religious art have also been known to depart along with the time period, which could in turn sort the mindsets of the followers of the religion. For example, in Christianity, depictions of Jesus Christ contributed to the influence of the church and rulers who associated themselves with and promoted Christianity. During the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries, the image of Jesus changed from a humble shepherd to a richly habilitate and commanding personaa fitting keep company for the emperors whose images were also portrayed in mosaics on the walls of churches.Because the Muslims view the word of their god as all-important, they do not want interpretations of the religion to be further influenced by the time period, as what has happened with the image of Jesus. Art, in any form, has the ability to represent everything about a culture. In my opinion, it has the most impact on how we perceive certain people, religions, and cultures. He who is in control of the art is, in essence, in control of the opinions of future generations. Essentially, comparing the art of two separate cultures is comparing everything from their language and religion to trends and important societal topics.